Schinderkar von oben

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 RUCHENKOEPFE (1805m) dist: 8.58km
 WILDALPJOCH (1725m) dist: 17.43km
 TAGWEIDKOPF (1724m) dist: 16.56km
 ROTWAND (1884m) dist: 7.99km
 HOCHMIESING (1883m) dist: 8.92km
 LAMPERSBERG (1817m) dist: 7.65km
 FARRENPOINT (1272m) dist: 20.71km
 TAUBENSTEIN (1692m) dist: 7.97km
 RAUHKOPF (1689m) dist: 8.39km
 AIPLSPITZ (1759m) dist: 9.40km
 HEISSENPLATTE (1593m) dist: 10.64km
 SCHWARZENKOPF (1464m) dist: 6.99km
 BENZINGSPITZ (1735m) dist: 8.95km
 WILDE FRAEULEIN (1615m) dist: 8.14km
 JAEGERKAMP (1746m) dist: 8.79km
 NAGELSPITZ (1554m) dist: 10.00km
 STOLZENBERG (1609m) dist: 4.64km

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Created with gipfel   (c) Johannes Hofmann 2009