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 SCHAUFEL SPITZE (3332m) dist: 2.17km
 SONKLAR SPITZE (3467m) dist: 6.73km
 ZUCKERHUETL (3507m) dist: 5.41km
 APERER PFAFF (3353m) dist: 4.09km
 WILDER PFAFF (3456m) dist: 6.02km
 BECHER (3191m) dist: 8.17km
 SCHELLENBERG (2355m) dist: 40.56km
 SIGNAL GIPFEL (3393m) dist: 7.90km
 WILDER FREIGER (3418m) dist: 7.65km
 APERER FREIGER (3261m) dist: 6.68km
 W.FEUERSTEIN (3230m) dist: 11.32km
 O.FEUERSTEIN (3267m) dist: 11.59km

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Created with gipfel   (c) Johannes Hofmann 2009