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 HINTERER GEISSBERG (1548m) dist: 22.98km
 MITTLERER GEISSBERG (1496m) dist: 23.18km
 VORDERER GEISSBERG (1484m) dist: 23.56km
 KREUZJOCH (1719m) dist: 2.25km
 NOTKARSPITZE (1889m) dist: 13.65km
 BRUNNBERG (1529m) dist: 17.10km
 BRUENSTELSKOPF (1814m) dist: 12.14km
 LABERBERG (1686m) dist: 17.05km
 GROSSER AUFACKER (1542m) dist: 20.23km
 SCHAFKOPF (1380m) dist: 12.47km
 OCHSENSITZ (1515m) dist: 13.84km

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Created with gipfel   (c) Johannes Hofmann 2009